Tag Archives: gun control

Gun Control

On April 18th, I caught an episode of The Daily Show that was incredible. I like TDS but don’t always watch it. However, I was glad to have caught this episode because it was so good.

The Daily Show With John Stewart - Gun Control A good chunk of the episode was centered around the issue of gun control. Correspondent John Oliver interviewed several different people about this issue and what I saw was eye opening and hilarious.

Hilarious because the man pictured above is so stupid and digs his own grave so deep. It was eye opening becuase when he speaks with the former Prime Minister of Australia, he says how they basically solved their gun problem. It is unfathomable to me how stupid and stubborn people can be.

Ultimately, I would love to go to Congress and show this episode to them. Unfortunately, even if those who need to be convinced saw this, they still wouldn’t change their views because they are stuck in their ways. Just as if they tried to sway me to support their views I wouldn’t change my ways. So, it is a never ending battle.

PS Happy Cinco De Mayo!

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